
Terms & Conditions

Welcome to Amexty Developer. This document outlines the terms and conditions that govern the usage of our website, services, and products. By accessing or using any of our services or products, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, you should not use our services or products.

Registration for any service we provide indicates that you have carefully read and agreed to all the terms outlined in this document. Therefore, it is important that you take the time to review and understand these terms before using any of our services or products.

The terms and conditions outlined in this document are designed to ensure that all users of our website, services, and products have a safe and positive experience. They also protect the interests of our company and its partners. Therefore, it is essential that all users abide by these terms and conditions.


The content from Amexty Developer's website may be temporarily downloaded once for personal, non-commercial reading. You may not change the materials in any way, copy them, use them for publicly accessible commercial or non-commercial displays, attempt to reverse-engineer or attempt to decompile any software that appears on the website Amexty Developer, remove any copyright or other proprietary markings from the materials, transfer the materials to another person, or "mirror" them on any other website under the terms of this license, which is for a request only and not a transfer of title.

This license shall immediately expire if you violate any of its terms, and Amexty Developer shall have the right to revoke this license at any time. After viewing the contents or after this license is canceled, you must remove any copies of the downloaded materials from your possession, whether they were made in digital or printed form.


Using our website for any illegal purpose is forbidden; legitimate uses alone are permitted. This includes any action that violates municipal, national, or international rules and regulations, as well as any fraudulent or illegal behavior. Our website requires that the user be at least 18 years old to use it. In addition, it is against the law to send unsolicited messages, sometimes known as spam, or any other form of solicitation without first obtaining authorization. On our website, you cannot upload purposefully contaminated material containing malware such as spyware, adware, Trojan horses, worms, keystroke loggers, or any other potentially dangerous program designed to damage computer hardware or compromise its software.


To be productive, Amexty Developer ensure the scheduled task is finished at the designated time. We may decline offers for more work and inquiries to ensure that your work is completed when scheduled.

For this reason, we strongly advise that you provide all required information at least one week before the completion date if we cannot advance on your website as planned because we need to get the required information promptly.

Suppose you agree to provide us with the required information but need to do so before the stated deadline. In that case, we retain the right to end the project and require immediate payment of the unpaid amount one week before the project's completion date. As expressed, the abovementioned circumstance tells us to hold off on starting until you are ready.


The client understands and agrees that they are responsible for paying any additional charges that may arise while completing the work. This payment will be required before purchasing any more essential resources; examples of such purchases are the acquisition of particular fonts, stock photos, plugins, and so on.


If one or more of the terms of this Agreement are found to be illegal, unlawful, or unenforceable, it does not in any way impact the validity of the other parts of this Agreement, nor does it render this Agreement null and void. Such a provision that is invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable should be replaced with a provision that is valid, legal, and enforceable that is mutually agreeable and that follows the parties' original intention as closely as possible.


The information on the website may be updated, modified, or deleted at any moment and without prior notice for any reason at our sole discretion. Furthermore, we reserve the right to modify or discontinue supplying all or a portion of the site at any time and without prior notice. We will not be liable to you or anyone else if the site is modified, its cost is increased, suspended, or canceled.

The availability of the site cannot be guaranteed. The site could have hiccups, lags, or failures due to hardware, software, or other problems we run into or because we have to do site maintenance. We retain the right, at any time and for any reason, to suspend, halt, update, amend, or otherwise modify the site without giving you prior notice. You understand and agree that we are not responsible for any loss, harm, or inconvenience caused by your inability to use or access the site while it is down or unavailable. Nothing in these Terms of Use may be interpreted as requiring us to provide any updates, releases, or corrections related to the site or to host, maintain, or support the site.


By accepting these terms, the client agrees to release Amexty Developer, its employees, and agents from any and all liability arising from the following:

  • loss or damage resulting from an error,
  • loss or damage resulting from an omission,
  • loss or damage resulting from a delay or error, whether caused by negligence or other factors during the website's creation,
  • loss or damage to any client-supplied images for the website,
  • Furthermore, in the event of any breach of this agreement, Amexty Developer shall only be responsible for the amounts paid for the services and shall not be liable for any other damages, whether from negligence or otherwise.


Any use of information or files subject to a third party's copyright restrictions must have the client's approval and adhere to the restrictions of those rights. As a result, the client gives Amexty Developer the right to publish and use, while retaining all copyrights therein, any data, files, or visual logos that the client submits. The client additionally undertakes to give Amexty Developer the required licenses and rights for the use of the same and to defend Amexty Developer against any legal proceedings brought by third parties due to the client's negligence or failure to obtain the required copyright clearances. Any contract for website design and/or placement shall be assumed to contain the client's warranty to Amexty Developer that all required licenses and authorities have been obtained. Proof of authority and authorization could be required.


By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you acknowledge that you will defend, indemnify, and hold Amexty Developer, its affiliates, and subsidiaries harmless. This includes all directors, officers, employees, representatives, proprietors, partners, shareholders, servants, principals, agents, predecessors, successors, assigns, and attorneys associated with the company.

This agreement extends to any claims, proceedings, damages, injuries, liabilities, losses, costs, and expenses, including attorney's fees and litigation expenses, that may arise from your use of the service or any breach of these Terms and Conditions. Essentially, you are responsible for protecting Amexty Developer and its affiliates from any legal or financial repercussions resulting from your actions.

It is important to understand and acknowledge this clause before using the service. By doing so, you agree to assume full responsibility for any negative consequences arising from your use of the service and take appropriate measures to protect Amexty Developer and its affiliates.


Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by the Parties, this agreement will end immediately upon delivery of the Project Release to the developer, even if the client is not using the developer's services. Otherwise, this agreement will remain in effect until either party terminates it following its terms.

Regardless of the preceding sentence, either party may immediately terminate the agreement if the other party:

  • Fails to fulfill its obligations under this agreement in a significant and persistent manner that cannot be remedied (non-payment is a material breach),
  • Fails to remedy a breach of any of its obligations under this agreement, even if it is capable of remedying the breach or continues to do so after being instructed in writing to do so within 30 days,
  • Proposes or makes a voluntary agreement or a compromise in favor of its creditors,
  • Being an organization becomes subject to an organization request or goes into liquidation (other than with the end goal of mixture or recreation),
  • Has a receiver appointed to manage any of its assets or property,
  • Stops doing business or threatens to do so; or, on the other hand,
  • Needs to live up to its assumptions. In this situation, the client will pay the engineer for all work finished at the hourly pace of the designer. The client will then receive all project-developed content from the developer.

If the client terminates the agreement for any reason other than what is stated above, the client is obligated to promptly return any test versions of the website as well as any manuals, documents, or other printed materials that the developer has provided to the client, along with any copies thereof (if the developer so requests).

The provisions of the agreement intended to continue in effect after the agreement is terminated will not be affected, and neither party will lose any rights that have accrued as a result.


If an act, event, or cause occurs that is beyond the reasonable control of either party, neither party shall be liable to the other for any delay, service interruptions, or inability to perform its obligations under this agreement, with the exception of Customer's payment obligation to the provider. The time for performance must be extended by at least the same amount of time as the delay in the event of such a delay or inability to perform; however, either party may terminate this agreement by written notice to the other if the delay or inability lasts longer than 180 days.


Without regard to its rules on choice of law, these terms and conditions will be interpreted and governed by the laws of the Province of India. By using, viewing, or accessing the content on the service, you agree to submit to federal jurisdiction, accept service of process by mail, and waive all other jurisdictional and venue defenses at this time. Amexty Developer owns and operates this service from its headquarters in India. Amexty Developer does not claim that the content of the service is appropriate or available for use in other locations, and it is against the law to access it from territories where its contents are illegal. The individuals who decide to get this Assistance from different areas do as such independently and are answerable for consistency with appropriate neighborhood regulations. Any debates or disputes between individuals and companies with Amexty Developer will be tackled in the Court of India and no other place.


Amexty Developer cannot be held responsible for any mistakes or omissions within these materials, despite our best efforts to ensure they are always up-to-date. Amexty Developer further does not promise that these materials' information, content, images, links, or other items are accurate or comprehensive. Amexty Developer reserves the right to make any modifications it deems appropriate to these materials and the products or services represented at any time without prior notification and makes no commitment to keeping the information provided on this website up-to-date. If you violate these Terms and Conditions in any way or for any other reason, Amexty Developer retains the right to cancel your access to the service immediately.


The selective and full arrangement and understanding between you and us are set out in these Terms of Purpose and any approaches or working rules we post on or concerning the Site. Any right or state of these Terms of Purpose that we neglect to execute or uphold will not be considered to have been postponed by us. These Terms of Use are enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law. Assuming any term or part of these Terms of Purpose is viewed as unlawful, invalid, or unenforceable, that term or piece will be considered severable from these Terms of Purpose. It will maintain the legitimacy and enforceability of any excess terms.

We can delegate some or all of our responsibilities and rights to another party at any time. We shall not be liable for any loss, damage, delay, or failure to act caused by any event beyond our reasonable control. You and we are not entering into a joint endeavor, association, work, or office game plan as an outcome of these Terms of Purpose or your utilization of the Site. You recognize that because we composed these terms of purpose, they can't be deciphered against us. By signing this, you agree to waive any objections to the electronic version of these Terms of Use and the parties' failure to sign them.


In case you have any concerns or queries regarding this Terms and conditions or how your data is being collected using this site, get in touch with us and send an email at amextydeveloperprivatelimited@gmail.com