
Privacy Policy

We are devoted to protecting and respecting your privacy when you are browsing our company's website as a visitor. This policy covers when and why we obtain personal information from website users, how we use it, how we keep it private, and the situations under which we may disclose it to others.

Our Privacy Statement may be modified on occasion; thus, we ask that you check back frequently to confirm that you continue to agree with any revisions that may be made. If you use our website, it means that you agree to the terms of this policy.


When you visit our website, our servers may automatically record the common data your web browser provides. Your computer's Internet Protocol (IP) address, the kind and version of the browser you're using, the sites you visit, and the time and date of your visit, You could provide more information, like how long you spend on each page.

We may also collect data from your device to access our website. This information might involve the sort of gadget, working framework, extraordinary gadget identifiers, gadget settings, and geo-area subtleties. The settings and software on your device may uniquely influence the information we collect. We recommend reviewing their rules to learn what information the maker of your device or the software provider makes available to us.

We can ask you for your name, email address, phone number, and social network accounts. We'll manage your data fairly, responsibly, and transparently. We only collect and use your information when we have a good reason to do so within the law. We only gather and use information about you; the services you use and how you use them will decide which grounds apply.


The following are some potential uses for your information:

  • Making contact with you to discuss the service needs.
  • We'd like to know what you think about our goods and services.
  • You will be informed when our services change.
  • Sharing the message you requested that we deliver with you.
  • Applying for a job and handling it
  • We regularly evaluate the retention periods for personal data.
  • We will maintain your personal information on our systems for the period of time stipulated in any applicable contracts you may have with us or for the period necessary to carry out a particular relevant activity.
  • We may also use your personal information to create a profile of your interests and preferences to get in touch with you about material that interests you.
  • We may use extra information about you obtained from outside sources to complete this fully.
  • Identifying and reducing fraudulent behavior on the website may also be done using your personal information.


We could give our representatives, subcontractors, and related businesses personal information so they can carry out our instructions and provide services to you on our behalf. However, when we use outside service providers, we only provide the personal information necessary for the service. They are prohibited from using your data for direct marketing by our agreements with them. Please be assured that we will not disclose your information to parties outside our network unless you directly request it or we are required to do so by law, such as by court order, or to combat fraud or other crimes.

If required to do so by law, in connection with the sale of all or a portion of our business and assets to a third party, during a business restructuring or reorganization, or to enforce or apply our terms of service or safeguard the rights, property, or personal safety of our users and supporters, we may also disclose or share your personal information with a third party. But with that, we'll take steps to protect your right to privacy.


This website makes use of a feature called "cookies." Cookies are small text files that websites ask to be allowed to keep on your computer's hard disk. Cookies make it possible for online programs to remember your choices and customize themselves based on your preferences. The website can tailor its functionality to meet your specific requirements, preferences, and interests by collecting and remembering information about your choices.


We may share your personal information with third-party providers to facilitate our services. These may include providers of IT services, data storage, hosting, server services, ad networks, analytics, error loggers, debt collectors, maintenance or problem-solving providers, marketing or advertising providers, professional advisors, and operators of payment systems. Additionally, we may work with agents or subcontractors to provide you with information, goods, or services, as well as third parties who assist us in collecting and processing data.

It's important to note that links to other websites can be found on our site. However, we recommend that you review the privacy policies of any other websites you visit, as our privacy statement only applies to our website. We cannot be held responsible for the privacy policies and practices of third-party websites you may access through our site, even if you use links to reach them. Therefore, we suggest you carefully review any linked website's policies before sharing any personal information with them.


You grant us permission to gather, store, use, and disclose your personal information following this privacy policy by providing it to us. Although you do not need to provide us with personal information, doing so may impact how you use this website and the products and services made available on or through it.

If we get your personal information from a third party, we will protect it according to our privacy policy. You, as a result of this promise, represent that you have the consent of any individual whose personal information is provided to us by a third party.

You have control over the collection and use of your personal information. If you have previously permitted us to use your data for direct marketing purposes, you may revoke that permission at any time by contacting us using the details provided below. We'll let you know how using our website, goods, and services may change if you ask us to restrict or limit how we use your personal information.

You are entitled to a copy of the personally identifiable information we hold about you. We should present this material in a form that computers can understand. You have the right to inquire about the specifics of the personal data we save about you. You can request the deletion of any personal data we may have about you at any time. You can also request that we transfer your data to another outside party.

If any of the information we have on you needs to be updated, pertinent, or correct, kindly contact us using the details below. We will try to update any information that turns out unreliable, incomplete, misleading, or outdated.

Any data breach will be handled according to all legal requirements. If you believe we have violated any applicable data protection regulations and wish to submit a complaint, kindly contact us using the details below. Be cautious about providing a thorough description of the suspected offense. We will promptly investigate your complaint, and after doing so, we will respond to you in writing with the results of our investigation and the measures we plan to take to remedy it. You can also file a complaint with a regulatory body or a data protection authority.


As part of our commitment to protecting children's privacy, neither we nor our services are purposefully promoted to anyone under 18.

If we discover that we accidentally gathered personal information from a kid under 18, we will promptly destroy the data and close any related accounts. Parents and legal guardians are invited to contact us and help us enforce our privacy policy if they think we may have mistakenly gathered personal data about their children.

We also advise parents and legal guardians of youngsters to teach their kids about internet safety and the need to avoid disclosing personal information online. Protecting children's online safety and privacy is a shared obligation of service providers, parents, and legal guardians.


In the unusual event that we go out of business, declare bankruptcy, or in any other situation, we would include data among the assets transferred to any parties that purchase us. You are aware that such transfers may take place and that any potential buyer of ours may continue to use your personal information in accordance with this policy.


Our website may include links to locations under the control of other parties. Please be aware that we cannot accept responsibility or liability for the content or privacy practices of those websites because we have no control over them.


At Amexty Developer, we protect users' private information. We reserve the right to change our privacy policy anytime to guarantee that our customers' data is protected to the highest quality.

We advise our customers to routinely check this page for any revisions to our privacy policy so they know how we are helping to secure their personal information. Each user is responsible for routinely examining the privacy statement and staying informed of any updates.

At Amexty Developer, we take our clients' security very seriously and are committed to providing the highest degree of protection for their data. If you have any inquiries or worries concerning our privacy statement or any modifications made, don't hesitate to contact us.


Please let us know any questions you have. If you leave a message for us, we'll get back to you within the following 24 hours.